The "novel in the form of a play" is part My Dinner with Andre
R. Bull is credited with that cover showing a stylized human face on the universe, which is fitting for this play on the human condition, two suns in the sky as eyes for the two ways of seeing, the old testament and the new, Yahweh and Elohim, yin and yang, the material and the spiritual.
Of course, the work that Sunset Limited really begs comparison to is Samuel Beckett's Waiting For Godot. The characters are always going somewhere but never getting anywhere, perpetually hung in the same dilemma.
Lois Gordon, in her marvelous work, Reading Godot, illuminates this dilemma, but it up to the individual to solve this riddle for himself. My other favorite study of this is Paul Foster's Beckett and Zen: A Study of Dilemma in the Novels of Samuel Beckett (Wisdom East-West Book. Grey Series)
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